두직함 이론(환경교육가와 환경보호론자)

John Hug가 말하는 두 직함(Two Hats) 이론....


환경교육자와 환경보호론자에 관한 이야기

이 이론에서는 환경보호론자는 환경에 나쁜 것은 멈추어져야 한다는 행동을 지지하는 사람. 부정적 평판의 환경보호론자는 약간은 드라마틱하고 급진적으로 행동하는 경향이 있다고 하고..   환경교육자는 기능 개발자, 정보 분석가, 가치 중립적, 가치 자유적이라고 합니다.

경교육자는 교육자 역할을 혼동한다거나 환경보호론자로서의 특별한 입장을 취하는 것은 삼가야 하고, 꼼꼼하게 모든 사실을 수집하고 모든 관점에서 조사 분석하는데 힘써야 한다고 합니다.

환경교육자는 환경교육활동의 중립성을 강조해야 한답니다.

환경교육자는 환경보호론자가 될 수 있는 권리와 의무를 가지지만 이중의 역할은 환경교육자로서의 전문적 기능을 최대한 이용하면서도 각 직함에 알맞게 유지한다는 원래의 전제를 고수해야 한다고 하는군요...


여러분의 생각은??

원문을 읽어보시고 두 직함 이론에 대한 생각을 나눠주세요.^^


Two Hats _ John Hug


It would appear that environmental educators have a bad case of the "two hat" problem. We have come by the problem naturally and, therefore, we have paid little attention to it.


The problem is simply that industry, utilities, labor, business, media and other segments of the population and the general public have consistently recognized only one hat when talking about environmentalists and environmental educators. It is not uncommon for dedicated environmental educators to be summarily dismissed as troublemakers-environmentalists. This one hat view is easily explained because environmental educators are almost always environmentalists. Perhaps definitions will help clarify the probem.


Any world citizen who advocates with greater or lesser action that wrongs against our environment must be stopped is an environmentalist. Perhaps the negative reputation environmentalists have stems from the dramatic and radical actions of a few.


An environmental educators, on the other hand, is any world citizen who uses information and educational processes to help people analyze the merits of the many and varied points of view usually present on a given environmental issue. The environmental educator is not the "mediator," "trade-off specialist" or "negotiator," but a developer of skills an information analyst who prepares the people (from any segment of the population) who will participate in environmental decision making.


Environmental educators, therefore, need to be as "value fair" or "value free" as they can when working in this role. They must scrupulously strive to get all the facts, examine and illuminate all the viewpoints, and keep from letting their own particular position (As an environmentalist) from mixing with their educator role.


My suggestion is simply that environmental educators make an effort to clarify the two distinct roles. At every opportunity, we should emphasize the neutral nature of environmental education activity. Strong advocates are all around us, each using the techniques of persuasion and propaganda to build their constituencies. We must, ourselves, be familiar with all sides, stand firm for each advocate's right to be heard, and provide a rational stage for informed debate.


Environmental educators hae the right and the duty to be environmentalists, but the dual roles must adhere to the original premise - to keep each hat on its proper head, while utilizing to the fullest the professional skills of the environmental educators.


**** Originally in Aldrich. James L. Blackburn. A-M., & George, A.A. (Eds.)(1977). The Report of the North American Regional Seminar on Environmental Education for the Red World. Columbus, OH: SIMEAC Information Reference Center.